XM Membership - XM Studios

XM Studios


XM Membership

XM Membership Terms and Conditions

  1. 1)  Members tiers will be based on number of statues registered
  2. 2)  Transferred statues to subsequent owner(s) does not add towards tiership count
  3. 3)  1st registrant of the statue that was transferred will not result in changes to their membership tier
  4. 4)  Silver to Black tier members must purchase 1x 1/4 statue annually to maintain their tier for the following year
    1. a)  Purchase must be done within 12 months from the date that the membership tier was attained
      1. i)  If member cancels the only statue purchase, their membership tier will be adjusted to a lower tier accordingly
    1. b)  For Gold and Platinum tier members, tiership will be adjusted to a lower tier each year until it reaches Silver tier
      1. i)  Example: If a Platinum tier member did not purchase 1x 1⁄4 statue for two years consecutively, their membership tier will be adjusted to Silver tier on the third year
      2. ii) Black (T5) tier members are reinstated back to Black (T5) tier members once they have purchased 1x 1/4 statue at any one point
  5. 5)  XM Standard T&C applies