XM Points System - XM Studios

XM Studios


XM Points System

  1. 1.  How to earn points?
    1. a.  Purchase XM products, complete bonus tasks, register your statues!
      1. i.  For XM product purchases:
        1. 1.  Points will be calculated based on nett spendings
        2. 2.  Points multiplier varies depending on member tier and payment option selected (deposit or full payment)
    2. b.  Welcome gift: From 9 August 2024 to 9 February 2025, 100pts will be awarded per statue registered

  2. 2.  What can we do with points?
    1. a.  Offset your spendings with XM Products (in XM Store Singapore and via website purchases)
    2. b.  Redeem XM Vouchers
    3. c.  More coming soon!
  Eg: SRP $1,000.00
Membership Tier T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Membership Names Bronze Silver Gold Platinium Black
Membership Discount given  0.00% 0.00% 6.00% 12.00% 18.00%
Full Payment Scenario Amount Paid (full payment) $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $940.00 $880.00 $820.00
Points earned (in %) 0 60% 60% 70% 80%
Points earned
T2-T3 = 6%
T4 = 7%
T5 = 8%
0 600 564 616 656
Points = how much $?
Divided by 10
0 $60.00 $56.40 $61.60 $65.60
Savings using full payment calculation (Value) 0 $60.00 $116.40 $181.60 $245.60
Savings (%) 0.00% 6.00% 11.64% 18.16% 24.56%
Deposit Payment Scenario Amount Paid (Deposit) $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $940.00 $880.00 $820.00
Points earned (in %) 0 40% 40% 60% 60%
Points earned
T2-T3 = 4%
T4-T5 = 6%
0 400 376 528 492
Points = how much $?
Divided by 10
0 $40.00 $37.60 $52.80 $49.20
Savings using deposit payment calculation (Value) $0.00 $40.00 $97.60 $172.80 $229.20
Savings (%) 0.00% 4.00% 9.76% 17.28% 22.92%

XM Points System Terms and Conditions

  1. 1.  Points system will start from the 9 August 2024
  2. 2.  Earned points may take up to an hour to be synced to your account
  3. 3.  10 is the minimum number of points that can be utilised, taking into account clause 4
  4. 4.  Due to different payment gateways restrictions, there will need to be at least S$1 in the cart before the order can be checked out
  5. 5.  Points will only be applied on the balance amount
  6. 6.  Points are non-transferrable or exchanged for actual cash
  7. 7.  Points are non transferrable to other member accounts
  8. 8.  Points must be redeemed by the end of the calendar year, two (2) years after the points are awarded. For example, if points are awarded on 1 March 2023, they must be used by 31 December 2025
  9. 9.  Any points not used by the 2 year period will automatically expire on 31 December of that year
  10. 10.  For deposit payment scenario:
    1. a.  Points earned will be awarded based on deposit amount paid and remaining points earned will be awarded once balance amount is paid
    2. b.  If there are any tier changes before balance is paid, the points earned from the balance payment will follow the points multiplier of the tier that was attained at the time deposit payment was made
  11. 11.  With regards to cancellation policy:
    1. a.  If deposit paid only:
      1. i.  Deposit forfeited, deposit points retained
    2. b.  If full payment paid:
      1. i.  Deposit forfeited, deposit points retained
      2. ii. Balance:
        1. 1.  If points earned from the order has already been used, the balance will be refunded after deducting the corresponding amount that was utilised
        2. 2.  If points earned from the order has not been used, the full balance will be refunded
    3. c.  If XM cancels product
      1. i.  All payment will be refunded, points earned from the orders will be retained and points expiry date will start from date of refund
  12. 12.  XM Standard T&C applies